Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Training Talk

When I started 2015, ZOOMA Cape Cod was the one and only race on my calendar.  A few more have found their way on there and while I am looking forward very much to running Ragnar this weekend and the Newport 10 miler in June, ZOOMA remains my focus...my goal...what gets me up in the early mornings and pushes me over hills!  Speaking of hills, this week's training miles were chock full of them so here we go!

Monday: 3-4 miles...hit the gym mill for 3.5 miles and kettlebells after.
Tuesday: 1 mile WU-Tempo 4X1 mile with 0.25 recovery- 1 mile CD...This was the day of my mom's lumpectomy and I had to leave the house early to get to the hospital in RI so this was pushed back.
Wednesday:  rest...I plugged in yesterday's workout today
Thursday:  5 miles(10 min WU-6X2min hills-10 min CD)...I did this workout on the treadmill because I wanted to make sure I wasn't slowing down on the hills...kicked my butt!!
Heading out for an afternoon run too since I need to get in some miles on tired legs for Ragnar!!
Friday: Fun...What does a runner do for fun?  I hit the gym to swing some KBs!
Saturday:  10 miles...mini-chickie had a swimming lesson (she was over the top excited!) so I headed out after and logged a run with the App Run Go as an ambassador for them.  It was really easy to use and spoke to me which was nice!  It is finally getting warmer here on Cape Cod and this run was awesome!!
Sunday:  rest...took Em out on a training run for 1.5  miles.  She's getting there!!

How did your week go?
Is it warm in your neck of the woods?

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