Thursday, June 12, 2014


Wait how can it be Thursday already....said no teacher EVER at the end of the school year!!!  In all seriousness we have two weeks left and this is the time of year filled with field trips and class plays which means this ESL teacher has a lot of time to file and organize papers.  I know I know...very exciting!  Here's your randoms for the week!

Work Vacation...In all this end-of-the-year fun I am away on business for the next two days.  While it is good to have a change of scenery, I miss my family oodles and know it stinks to be the parent 100% of the time.  That being said a HUGE thank you to the Hubs who is holding down the fort while I stare at test questions for 8 hours a day!  I'm hoping to get in my workouts (long run and weights) while I'm here so when I get home I can just snuggle with everyone and enjoy them!  I mapped out a long run route but thankfully checked with a cousin for was do not run there!  It is always good to check things out with someone local!!!  Change of plans and I may or may not be retracing some famed marathon miles!!  10 points to someone who can guess where that may be!

Here's Your Medal...Last week was my daughter's field day at school.  She jumped in the car when I arrived to pick her up with a shiny medal hanging from her neck.  I asked her what she won and she said field day.  I was confused until I saw other members of her class file out the door with the same medal....Oh you played so you got a medal (purely internal monologue!)  A friend of mine and I were talk about participation awards and how kids need to learn about winning and losing....until I realized that I in fact had about 27 medals hanging in my basement that say "Congrats you ran"!  I was thinking about the pros and cons of giving everyone a medal and wondered if my daughter got that she hadn't actually won.  I was deep in thought when she looked at her certificate of participation and said, "Mom does this list all the races I won?"  She has a competitive streak that one and wanted to make sure it was on record that she WON!  What are your thoughts?

Summer Bucket List...The weather is finally turning warmer and sand is starting to become the color of the floor in my car, which has got me pinning more outdoor projects and summer must-dos on Pinterest than ever humanly possible.  The funny thing is that as the summer starts to really get into full swing our days become more about what beach to go to than what project we can do in the yard.  There are a few that I REALLY want to try out and one of those is camping out in the backyard.  This summer, my daughter and I are going to spend a night in a tent in the backyard...I can't say how long she'll last out there but I really hope it will be the night!  I've honestly never done it and excited.  Any tips?  What is something on your short bucket list?

1 comment:

  1. My kids love backyard camping. Thankfully so does my mom because I am not big on it. All I can thing about are the spiders that sleep out there too. eek!
